No one trusts their used car salesman. But what about your banker? Most of us think the people in their nice suits, representing a large (most likely uber-large) banking corporation represents the very epitome of trust. You take your hard earned money to the bank and give it to them in trust.
Now most of us are smart enough to know that the bank then uses the money to invest in the community and in turn pay you a small amount of interest. Everything is peachy. But what if your banker wants to take your money to Las Vegas and put it all on number 22? Hold on you say? No way! So you get together with others in similar circumstances (we will call you government) and make some rules (called regulations) to force the banker to be responsible with our money.
Now republicans politicians (who get lots of money from the banker) will holler that this is socialism and not “free market”, “free trade”, or some other Orwellian phrase intended to mislead you. “How can you dare let the nasty government create bad, bad regulations and restrict the poor banker’s ability to be free with their money”?
The answer of course is that the nasty government is me and the bad regulations are my rules on how the banker can use MY money.
republicanT myths:
Government is always bad (and they try to prove it when in power).
Regulations are always bad (unless the regulations apply to the people)
Corporations skimming off billions of your money is capitalism and therefore good (Ayn Rand would be so proud).
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Labels: corporations skimming
Well said, Mo
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