Saturday, August 23, 2008

General Motors and Socialism

In the late 90’s GM received a large government subsidy to develop an electric car. They did very well with the EV1. But it was too successful. It threatened to make the gas guzzler obsolete. This would hurt the car companies and especially hurt the powerful oil companies.

The corporate propagandists say that GM killed the EV1 because it wouldn’t sell and they needed to make money. This is a lie. Yes GM needs to make money but the reason EV1 didn’t sell is because GM didn’t promote it. Almost no one in America heard of it. Those that drove it loved it and raised their own money to try to keep it. GM chose to make money with the Hummer.

The powerful oil companies had their puppet Georgie drop government support of the already successful electric car in favor of the pipe dream hydrogen car knowing that it wouldn’t threaten the gas guzzler for decades.

Now that GM is failing they will undoubtedly ask the government for financial help. Can you spell corporate-socialism.

Please watch the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car".

Saturday, August 2, 2008


It’s been seven years since the anthrax attacks that killed five in our nation’s capital. Last week the FBI’s lead suspect, Bruce Ivins, apparently committed suicide. We may never know who was behind this horrible attack that George W. Bush and the neocons used as fodder to go to war against Iraq and pass the anti-democratic Patriot Act.

Interesting that the anthrax attack was carefully aimed at key Democratic leaders, Sen Tom Daschle and Sen Pat Leahy. The support of these Senators was crucial in the quest to sell the Iraq war and the Patriot Act.

After the attacks, it was important for the neocons to connect the anthrax to Saddam Hussein. ABC news came through on that. ABC claimed they had "four well-placed and separate sources" that had compelling evidence that Iraq was responsible for the anthrax attacks. We now know that there was never any "compelling evidence" because the anthrax didn't come from Iraq. Our government admits the anthrax came from a US government lab. Who were these four sources that helped ABC and the neocons convince the country that the anthrax came from Iraq? ABC won’t cooperate and tell, claiming to be “protecting their sources”. Looks more likely they are covering up for criminals that deliberately lied about the anthrax origin to help the neocons sell their war. So what is ABC's culpability in this apparent deliberate attempt to convince the American public using misinformation?

With Mr. Ivins death, suicide or execution, we will probably never know who was behind the anthrax attacks. I’m betting there are some neocons and ABC executives sleeping better tonite.

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