In the late 90’s GM received a large government subsidy to develop an electric car. They did very well with the EV1. But it was too successful. It threatened to make the gas guzzler obsolete. This would hurt the car companies and especially hurt the powerful oil companies.
The corporate propagandists say that GM killed the EV1 because it wouldn’t sell and they needed to make money. This is a lie. Yes GM needs to make money but the reason EV1 didn’t sell is because GM didn’t promote it. Almost no one in America heard of it. Those that drove it loved it and raised their own money to try to keep it. GM chose to make money with the Hummer.
The powerful oil companies had their puppet Georgie drop government support of the already successful electric car in favor of the pipe dream hydrogen car knowing that it wouldn’t threaten the gas guzzler for decades.
Now that GM is failing they will undoubtedly ask the government for financial help. Can you spell corporate-socialism.
Please watch the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car".
GM never got a government subsidy for building the EV-1. That is a downright lie. I guess those who want GM to fail are at it again. Strange how some Americans want GM to fail. I just don't get it.
So you say the GM developed the EV1 on their own? what are your sources for that information?
I've seen the parts of the documentary and the end was depressing when they were destroying all the cars :-(
What would Herbie think?
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